Just English Dil Okulları - Geleceğinle Tanışmaya Hazır mısın?
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Geleceğinle Tanışmaya Hazır mısın?

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Bu Ders Başlangıç (Elementary A2) Seviyesi, Ön Orta (Pre-Intermediate B1) Seviyesi İçin Uygundur

İstanbul/Pendik Şubesi
4. Katta Bulunan, California Sınıfı
Speaking Dersimizde; Famous Landmarks Have you ever visited a famous landmark? Which one? What is the most famous landmark in your country? Would you like to visit famous landmarks around the world? If you could visit any country, what landmark would you want to see? Konusu İşlenecektir.

15 Mart 2025 Cumartesi
Başlama: 00:00 Bitiş: 01:00 Hemen Rezervasyon Yap


Bu Ders Ön Orta (Pre-Intermediate B1) Seviyesi, Orta Üstü (Upper-Intermediate C1) Seviyesi İçin Uygundur

İstanbul/Pendik Şubesi
4. Katta Bulunan, Arizona Sınıfı
Speaking Dersimizde; Superhero Mishaps If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? And what would go wrong with it? Can you imagine a superhero who’s completely useless? What would their power be? What would be the worst superhero costume to wear in public? If you were a villain, what would your evil plan be, and how would it fail terribly? Konusu İşlenecektir.

15 Mart 2025 Cumartesi
Başlama: 14:00 Bitiş: 15:00 Hemen Rezervasyon Yap


Bu Ders Almanca (Başlangıç) Seviyesi İçin Uygundur

İstanbul/Pendik Şubesi
4. Katta Bulunan, Michigan Sınıfı
Sprechen Dersimizde; Wetter und Jahreszeiten Wie ist das Wetter heute? Ist es warm? Welche Jahreszeit magst du am meisten? Welche Aktivitäten machst du in welcher Jahreszeit? Was machst du, wenn es draußen kalt ist? Konusu İşlenecektir.

15 Mart 2025 Cumartesi
Başlama: 18:40 Bitiş: 19:40 Hemen Rezervasyon Yap


Bu Ders Başlangıç (Elementary A2) Seviyesi, Ön Orta (Pre-Intermediate B1) Seviyesi İçin Uygundur

İstanbul/Pendik Şubesi
4. Katta Bulunan, California Sınıfı
Speaking Dersimizde; Plans for the Weekend What do you usually do on the weekend? Do you prefer to relax or be active on weekends? Have you ever done something unusual or fun on the weekend? What would be your perfect weekend? Konusu İşlenecektir.

16 Mart 2025 Pazar
Başlama: 14:00 Bitiş: 15:00 Hemen Rezervasyon Yap


Bu Ders Orta (Intermediate B2) Seviyesi, Orta Üstü (Upper-Intermediate C1) Seviyesi İçin Uygundur

İstanbul/Pendik Şubesi
4. Katta Bulunan, Arizona Sınıfı
Speaking Dersimizde; Living in a Cartoon World If you lived in a cartoon, which cartoon character would be your best friend? What would be the most ridiculous thing you could do in a cartoon world? If you could have any cartoon power (like super speed, invisibility), what would it be? Which cartoon world would be the funniest to live in? Konusu İşlenecektir.

16 Mart 2025 Pazar
Başlama: 14:00 Bitiş: 15:00 Hemen Rezervasyon Yap
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